Bagatelles Of Koncsol

Original title:

The 6-movement composition reflects on the poet László Koncsol’s book Bagatelles. The content of the poems, in contrast to the light mood of bagatelle form and the simple lyric, touches on serious themes. This inner tension also characterizes the mood of every movements.


I. Vadak (Wild Animals)
II. Mr. Parkinson
III. Jövőm (My Future)
IV. Idil (Idyll)
V. Búcsú (Farwell)
VI. A lélek (The Spirit)

First preformed:

Marble chamber of the Hungarian Radio
Krisztina Fejes, piano
László Onczay, violoncello


Round and round and round and round

Reflections for two Purcell act

for music school students

2 violins

Duration: 4 min 30 sec


Old Picture of Mother

Chamber cantata for soprano solo , viola, cello and piano. At the request and presentation of opera singer Éva Bátori.

The 7 movements are based on poems by Dezső Kosztolányi and by Zsófia’s mother Judit Tallér. Her mother was a harpist, but she also wrote poetry in her early years. She died in 1994, at the age of 49. Zsófia was also 49 years old when she composed this piece to commemorate her mother.

Two Nocturnes for Four Instruments

Original title:

Két noktürn négy hangszerre

Music for flute, violin, violoncello and piano

Performed at „Nuovi Spazi Musicali“ Contemporary Music Festival, Rome 2004

„CHROMA“ Contemporary Music Festival, Trieste, 2004

Trio op 2.

Trio for flute, violoncello and cimbalom


First performance at Budapest Autumn Festival 1997

Trio op 1.

Trio for violin, violoncello and piano


First performance at the Autumn Festival of Budapest (recently called CAFé Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival), 1997

Roman Oszecsinszkij – violin

Kussay Mahdi – violoncello

Zsófia Tallér – piano