Old Picture of Mother

Chamber cantata for soprano solo , viola, cello and piano. At the request and presentation of opera singer Éva Bátori.

The 7 movements are based on poems by Dezső Kosztolányi and by Zsófia’s mother Judit Tallér. Her mother was a harpist, but she also wrote poetry in her early years. She died in 1994, at the age of 49. Zsófia was also 49 years old when she composed this piece to commemorate her mother.

O Notte

Chamber cantata for soprano, recorder, clarinet, vibraphone, violin and viola da gamba dedicated to Júlia Vajda opera singer.

Italian lyrics by Michalengelo


I. O notte, o dolce tempo…  (2 min 20 sec)
II. …Tu mozzi e tronchi… (2 min 10 sec)
III. … O ombra del morir… (1 min 50 sec)
III. Vivo al peccato… (1 min)
V. .. Serva mie libertá… (1 min 30 sec)


Peter Pan Suite

Original title: Pán Péter Suite

Orchestra Suite based on the children ballet under the same name.

Full instrument list:

  • Piccolo
  • Flute
  • 2 Oboe
  • 2 Clarinet in B-flat
  • 2 Bassons
  • 2 Horn in F
  • 2 Trumpets in B-flat
  • 2 Tronbones
  • Tuba
  • 2 Percussionist (Gran Cassa, Suspended Cymbal, Piatti, Bells, Tamburino, Tamburino piccolo, Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Wood Bock, TamTam)
  • Timpani
  • Piano
  • Celesta
  • Harp
  • Strings

Leander and Linseed piano pieces

Original title: Meserészletek zongorára, két és négy kézre

1. Kobold ének (Goblin song) – duration: 30 sec
2. Bogyó keringő (Bogyo’s waltz) – duration: 1 min
3. Lenszirom hiszti ( Linseed’s anger) – duration: 30 sec
4. Csijjegés és csújjogás (Cawing) – duration: 20 sec
5. Kerál keserv (King’s lament) – duration: 1 min 10 sec
6. Lenszirom bánat (Linseed’s sorrow) – duration: 1 min 30 sec
7. Kerálné öröm (Queen’s joy) – duration: 1 min 10 sec
8. Bögöl düh (Fury of the wasp) – duration: 2 min