Four Songs for Children

Children’s choir and piano, commissioned by conductor Esther Vető Hargittai (GB)


I. Slowly slowly (duration: 1 min.)
II. Soft kitten (duration: 1 min. 30 sec.)
III. Pussycat, pussycat (duration: 1 min.)
IV. Lovely evening (duration: 1 min. 30 sec.)

Songs of innocence

2 pieces for children’s choir and piano, commissioned by the British Kodály Academy in 2017

Lyrics by William BLAKE

I. Spring, Laughing Song (3 min 15 sec)
II. Cradle Song (4 min.)

Three Songs for Children

Easy Children’s choir pieces for choir and piano, commissioned by conductor Esther Vető Hargittai (GB).
The lyrics are well-known nursery rhymes.


I. Can you count the stars?
II. Cock a doodle doo!
III. Hush, little baby

Bonus arrangement:

IV. Humpty Dumpty

Leander and Linseed

Original title: Leándersz és Lenszirom

“for my sons Marci and Zsiga”


Opera for children in two acts

Libretto by Barnabás Szöllősi based on the play of Andor Szilágyi

Performed by the Hungarian State Opera for 3 seasons with estimated 15 000 viewers.

original performance directed by: Sándor Zsótér

Released on DVD in 2016 under the name of Útravaló 2016 (Leánder és Lenszirom)

Duration: Act 1 approx. 40 minutes and Act 2 approx. 50 min.


LEÁNDER (Leander) , goblin – bass-baritone
LENSZIROM (Linseed), princess – lyric soprano
BOGYÓ, servant of Leánder – baritone
CSIBECSŐR, servant of Linseed – soprano

BÖLÖMBÉR KERÁL, king – bass (bass-baritone)
BÖLÖMBÉR KERÁLNÉ, queen – mezzo-soprano
MAR-SZÚR HERCEG, prince, lord of the wasps – tenor (spinto)
TÖNDÉR NEGÉD, queen of decency and charm – soprano
VAKNADÁLY, lord of the lake – contra-tenor
CSÍJJEGŐS BŐREGÉR, blood bat 1 – alto
CSUJJOGÓS BŐREGÉR, blood bat 2 – tenor
HORLOLÁBOK (1 and 2), 2 guards – male choir members
MÉZELŐK,VÉRBÖGÖLÖK army of wasps – children’s choir


Arrangement (Symphonic orchestra):

1. Flauto
2. Flauto / Flauto Piccolo
1. Oboa
2. Oboa / Corno Inglese
1. Clarinetto in Sib
2. Clarinetto in Sib / Clarinetto basso in Sib
4 Corni in Fa
2 Trombe in Do
3 Tromboni
4 Percussionisti (Triangle, Bass Drum, Snare Drum,Tam-tam, Tenor Drum, Cymbals, Suspended Cymbals,
Roto-toms, Castagnets, Shaker,Tamburine,Wind Chimes,Wood Blocks, Crotales,Tubular Bells, Glockenspiel,
Xilophone, Marimba)
Violini I
Violini II
Contrabassi a cinque corde

New Year Greetings

Original title: Évköszöntő

For orchestra and children’s choir, commissioned by the Hungarian State Opera.

duration: approx. 11 min.


Clarinet in Sib
Clarinet in Sib/1Bass Clarinet in Sib
4Horns in Fa
2Trumpets in C
Timpani (G, A, B, Bb)
Drums (Bass Drum, Timbale 14″, Glockenspiel, Cymbal, Suspended Cymbal, Triangle,
Tambourine, Tom-toms, Wood block)
Children’s Choir


Adjon Isten minden jót
Ez új esztendőben:
Jobb üdőt, mint tavaly volt,
Ez új esztendőben;
Jó tavaszt, őszt, telet, nyárt,
Jó termést és jó vásárt
Ez új esztendőben;

Adjon Isten minden jót
Ez új esztendőben:
Zsíros esőt, kövér hót,
Ez új esztendőben;
Bő aratást, szüretet,
Egészséget, jó kedvet
Ez új esztendőben!

Adjon Isten minden jót
Ez új esztendőben:
Drága jó bort, olcsó sót
Ez új esztendőben;
Jó kenyeret, szalonnát
Tizenkét hónapon át
Ez új esztendőben!

Adjon Isten minden jót
Ez új esztendőben:
Vegye el mind a nem jót,
Ez új esztendőben;
Mitől félünk, mentsen meg,
Amit várunk, legyen meg,
Ez új esztendőben!

Rough translation:

May God grant us all the best
In this new year:
Better wheather than last year
In this new year;
Good spring, automn, winter, summer,
Good harvest and good market
In this new year;

May God grant us all the best
In this new year:
Gross rain, fat snow
In this new year;
Rich harvest, vintage,
Health, good mood
In this new year!

May God grant us all the best
In this new year:
Expencive good wine, cheep salt
In this new year;
Good bread, bacon
For twelve mounthes
In this new year!

May God grant us all the best
In this new year:
Tahe away all the bads
In this new year;
From all that we fear, may God save us,
Let it be what we’re waitng for,
In this new year!



For children’s choir

Based on the poem of Sándor Rákos


First perfromace at Fészek Művészklub, concert series “New Hungarian Pieces”