Two Nocturnes for Four Instruments

Original title:

Két noktürn négy hangszerre

Music for flute, violin, violoncello and piano

Performed at „Nuovi Spazi Musicali“ Contemporary Music Festival, Rome 2004

„CHROMA“ Contemporary Music Festival, Trieste, 2004

Trio op 1.

Trio for violin, violoncello and piano


First performance at the Autumn Festival of Budapest (recently called CAFé Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival), 1997

Roman Oszecsinszkij – violin

Kussay Mahdi – violoncello

Zsófia Tallér – piano

Four Songs for poems of Attila József

Original title:

Négy dal József Attila verseire

For bariton and piano

First preformed in 1994

Performers among others László Szvétek, Ákos Ambrus bariton, Emese Virág, Zsófia Tallér piano

Three Piano Pieces

Original title:

Három zongoradarab

I. Allegro vivace
II. Andante tranquillo
III. Vivace

Performance highlights:

Budapest, 1999

Hungarian Acedemy, Rome 2002

„Nuovi Spazi Musicali“ contemporary music festival, Rome 2007

You can also listen to the original recording played by the composer back in 1990 here. The recording is converted and restored form cassette tape.